The Delhi High Court on Tuesday re-notified the plea filed by the Popular Front of India (PFI) challenging the order of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act or UAPA tribunal, which upheld the five-year ban imposed on the organisation by the central government for hearing to April 4.
The bench of Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Manmeet Pritam Singh Arora issued the order.
During the hearing, Advocate Adit Pujari appeared for the PFI and urged the bench to issue a notice to the Centre. However, the counsel appearing for the Centre apprised the court that she was being led by Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Chetan Sharma.
Taking note of the submissions, the bench did not issue a notice on Tuesday.
At the last hearing, the HC directed the organisation’s counsel to clarify the scope of the petition, emphasising that the court cannot function as an appellate authority in the matter.
The court, asserting its jurisdiction under Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution, had highlighted its limited role, focusing on aspects such as natural justice and decision-making.
Additional Solicitor General Chetan Sharma had objected to certain grounds in the petition, calling for the “sanitization” of pleadings and cautioning against using the platform for “ramble-rousing.” Sharma had expressed concerns over the petition, characterising the ban as an “abuse of process,” “disgraceful,” and “tyrannical.”
The court had directed the counsel for the petitioner to submit an application for striking off objectionable statements in the pleadings. Sharma also noted that the petition lacked clarity on how it challenged the decision-making process.
The petitioner’s counsel had informed the court that a previous plea against the ban had been filed before the Supreme Court, which granted the petitioner the liberty to approach the high court. In its challenge, the PFI contests the UAPA tribunal’s March 21 order, affirming the Centre’s decision on September 27, 2022, to ban the organisation for alleged links with global terrorist organisations, including ISIS, and promoting communal hatred.
The central government, in its notification, declared the PFI and its associates as an “unlawful association” for a period of five years. The PFI has been accused of having connections with proscribed organisations like SIMI and JMB.
On September 28, 2022, the central government, in the exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, declared the Popular Front of India (PFI) and the other eight alleged affiliated fronts as “unlawful associations”.
The fronts, including Rehab India Foundation (RIF), Campus Front of India (CFI), All India Imams Council (AIIC), National Confederation of Human Rights Organizations (NCHRO), National Women’s Front, Junior Front, Empower India Foundation, and Rehab Foundation, Kerala, were banned for five years.
To trace the history, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) carried out massive operations and raids in several states to track down people involved with the outfit.
The Gazette by the Ministry of Home Affairs had said, “They have been pursuing a secret agenda to radicalise a particular section of the society working towards undermining the concept of democracy and show sheer disrespect towards the constitutional authority and constitutional set up of the country.”
It had further stated that the PFI indulged in such unlawful activities that were prejudicial to the integrity, sovereignty, and security of the country and could potentially disturb communal harmony.
PFI’s linkages were established with two proscribed organisations: the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB).
In October 2022, the central government notified the appointment of Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma as the presiding officer of the UAPA tribunal to review the ban imposed by it.